A Message From Our Chairman
It is with a heavy, but hopeful, heart that I write this message to you all. On November 5th, 2024 American’s across our nation went to the polls to determine who will lead us in the years to come. As the dust settles and we grapple with the outcome of this election, we must hold onto hope. Regardless of the outcome, our fight for a brighter future will carry on. That said, it is important that we acknowledge the losses that our party faced around the country.
This year, for one reason or another, The Democratic Party failed in our duty to earn the support of the American electorate. Our failure to earn and keep the trust of the people has allowed a fascist minority to rise to the highest levels of power in the nation. There is an understandable and human instinct to want to point fingers and cast blame on those around us, but we must resist this urge. There is nothing to be gained from attacking one another. We lost in a powerful way this year, but this fact does not rob us of our agency, nor can we allow it to divide us and smother the flames of hope that we have been entrusted by our forebears to guard.
It is in this heavy moment of grief, that Thomas Paine’s words echo before us, “These are the times that try men’s souls”. I do not fear these times though, for I know that just as our ancestors did not before us, in this crisis too, we will not shrink from the service of our country. Instead, I have faith that when confronted with hate and fear, we, the people, will choose to stand alongside one another to defend love and hope. Since Kennedy’s presidency, our nation has held that the rights of everyone are diminished when the rights of one are threatened. This election season, our rights were diminished but if history shows us anything, it is that when someone is arrogant enough to threaten the American people and our values, they should be ready for a fight.
So to the young people across El Paso County and beyond who are reading this, I urge you to have courage in the face of fear and compassion in the face of hate. We are the future of this nation and it is now our responsibility to fight for our rights so that the next generation can inherit them. Our next mission is clear: We hold the line, support each other, protect the most vulnerable amongst us, and in two years we fight like hell to take our nation back from this criminal and his enablers. Together, we can build a brighter future for everyone.
Christian Seale
El Paso County Young Democrats